Anyone who has experienced PMS and mood swings can vouch for this - they are not fun, and you will probably reach for anything, within reason, to help curb the symptoms. Many women in recent years have been turning to CBD products to help manage symptoms from PMS, like mood swings. Most users of CBD oil claim that it has significantly decreased their pain from cramps as well, but mostly that it helped them manage mood swings and promote a general feeling of well-being overall. What is PMS, and what are the symptoms? Pre-menstrual syndrome, more commonly referred to as PMS, affects approximately 75% of menstrating women, and the symptoms can range anywhere from mild to severe. It’s believed that there can be over 150 varying symptoms of PMS, the most common being things like irritability, anxiety, depression, fatigue and sleep problems, and bloating. These symptoms can last anywhere from 5 to 11 days before or after a period. What is CBD? Cannabidiol (CBD) is a major ingredient in hemp plants. It has, in recent years, started becoming a popular remedy for several different conditions with promising studies coming out all the time. So what does the science say about PMS and CBD? While not tested specifically for PMS, it's a promising remedy.There have not yet been conclusive studies done in regard to CBD's effect on women experiencing PMS and related symptoms, such as mood swings. But, there have been many promising studies that show that CBD does have a positive effect on people with anxiety, depression, and pain from inflammation. All of which are common aspects of PMS. Dr. Julie Holland, whose background is in psychopharmacology and is the author of The Pot Book, suggests that “CBD can be immensely useful in treating the irritability and discomfort that comes during the premenstrual phase of our cycles. Because it has strong anti-anxiety properties and is also a muscle relaxer, it can help with the overall tension, both physical and psychic, as well as menstrual cramps that can come later.” So while there have not been studies done specifically on CBD and PMS, the results from other research and studies show promising results in managing related symptoms, especially mood swings. It has also been shown to be a promising remedy for sleep problems, another common symptom of PMS. How does it work? The human body has cannabinoid receptors, from the brain and central nervous system to the gut, connective tissues, and nerves. They work with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) to maintain a state of balance in all its cells. In contrast to hemp, CBD promotes a calming feeling that deviates from the effect of a “high.” Researchers have found that taking CBD oil promotes the body’s own internal cannabinoids to function more effectively and helps to reduce stress and inflammation within its own cells, which would be a great aid in anxiety, pain, and mood swings caused by PMS. Can CBD Help with PMS Symptoms? Current research has not explicitly focused on PMS, but recent studies on other conditions with similar symptoms suggest that if you’re looking for something natural and effective it is worth trying out. While scientists and researchers conduct more high-quality studies on the relationship between PMS and CBD, it is a safe remedy to try out for managing pain and mood swings. It’s important to do your own research in addition to talking to your doctor about what products are safe for you to use based on your medical history. CBD is not a proven treatment for any illnesses or conditions.
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of many compounds in the cannabis plant and has become an increasingly popular substance as a suggested remedy for several different health issues. But perhaps the most interesting and beneficial for humanity is its place in possibly managing the side-effects of some cancer treatments. While there are no conclusive studies done as to whether or not it is an effective method for actually treating patients’ cancer, studies have shown some benefits to CBD in pairing with other legitimate treatments, mainly chemotherapy and radiation. The results of CBD as a treatment for many things are promising but we don’t know too much yet. Here’s what professionals do know, and everything you should know about CBD and its benefits as a supplement to cancer treatment. What is CBD? It’s important to understand the difference between CBD and other products of cannabis. CBD, or cannabidiol, is a chemical found in hemp. It does not contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the psychoactive ingredient found in marijuana that produces a high. CBD can be used with treatment, not as a substitute. The effects of cancer treatments like chemotherapy are plenty and they can make living with the intense disease that much more difficult. Many cancer patients undergoing chemo experience loss of appetite, severe nausea, fatigue, intense pain, and so many other serious symptoms. CBD oil, however, has been shown in some studies to help manage some of these issues. CBD is not a treatment for cancer. The U.S. The Food and Drug Administration has not approved Cannabis as a treatment for cancer or any other medical condition, and there is no evidence that CBD can cure cancer, according to It is important to understand that it is not a treatment for cancer, rather a complement to treatments for patients undergoing chemo or radiation. There are a multitude of promising studies being done on the effectiveness of treating cancer with CBD, but there have been no conclusive results as of yet. Until more in-depth and widespread studies have been done, it’s far too soon to say that CBD is a safe and effective treatment for cancer and should not be considered a substitute for other cancer treatments. While it is not approved for treatment, CBD is approved to help patients manage cancer-treatment-related side effects. Commercially available CBD products like dronabinol and nabilone, are approved drugs for the treatment of cancer-related side effects. Managing side Effects Pain management.
Many people experience pain while going through chemo, and it can arise in a lot of different ways. Cancer patients can experience severe headaches, mouth or abdominal pain, and chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN), which is nerve damage that can cause tingling, numbness, and other sensations, often in the feet and hands. CIPN affects a lot of cancer patients and can be pretty severe. A 2014 study found that about half of the 90 people who took part in the study had neuropathy, and 6.7% said it was a major symptom that doctors overlooked. According to the National Cancer Institute, CBD may provide much-needed relief for many of these painful symptoms of cancer treatment, including CIPN, by reducing inflammation in the body caused by chemotherapy. Helping with nausea. Most research that has been done on the effect CBD has on nausea and whether or not it helps has been done on cancer patients. Nausea and vomiting are other nasty symptoms of chemo, and CBD could be a way to help manage it. Studies show, however, that THC is really the driving ingredient in helping with queasiness, but a combination of THC and CBD has been shown in human studies to help quell some of it. CBD itself has very few side effects. Perhaps the greatest benefit to CBD products in addition to cancer treatment is that while it helps curb side effects of chemo or radiation, CBD itself has very few, non-serious side effects. Some users may experience dry mouth, diarrhea, reduced appetite, drowsiness, and fatigue, but otherwise, it is very manageable to use daily. Regardless of what you research, it’s imperative that you speak with a doctor before taking any additional drugs or medication, including CBD products while undergoing cancer treatment. CBD is used by millions of people for a variety of reasons. As more research comes out on the benefits of CBD, more people are trying it, including seniors and caregivers. In the last few years, there has been some promising research to suggest that CBD may help seniors suffering from dementia. Although it is too early in studies to determine if there is evidence that using CBD oil can prevent, stop or reverse dementia, it may be helpful in treating some of the symptoms of dementia. In a 2019 study by PubMed, researchers found that using CBD oil improved symptoms of dementia, particularly memory loss and behavior issues. If you care for someone with dementia, you understand that issues with memory loss are frustrating for both the person with dementia and their family. The good news is, CBD may help. How CBD helps with Dementia Some of the reasons people use CBD oil are to treat health conditions like chronic pain, poor appetite, insomnia, anxiety, and depression. People living with dementia often have all of these symptoms, along with issues with memory. Thus, CBD may be beneficial for seniors living with dementia for the same reasons it’s helpful for others. CBD oil, however, may also help specifically with some of the neurological and behavioral issues that occur with dementia. CBD’s calming effect may help people with dementia Anyone who has cared for a loved one with dementia knows that living with dementia can be stressful. Due to the way dementia affects the brain, people suffering from dementia may become confused, agitated, or anxious from seemingly normal, everyday occurrences. CBD may calm the brain of dementia patients in the same way it helps with general anxiety. Although we are still researching its potential treatment for dementia, according to a few studies it may reduce agitation and violent outbursts from dementia patients because of its calming properties. CBD may improve brain health in people living with dementia ![]() In addition, it may actually improve brain functioning because of its anti-inflammatory properties. We believe the loss of brain cells and the memory loss associated with dementia and Alzheimer's may be a result of inflammation in the brain. Researchers believe CBD oil may help with vascular dementia. Vascular dementia is a term used to describe any problems with memory and reasoning caused by impaired blood flow in the brain. We believe that inflammation reduces the blood flow in areas of the brain that control memory and other cognitive functions. CBD has been found to lower the levels of a particular protein linked to brain cell damage and death. Scientists have discovered that people with Alzheimer's have a higher level of this particular protein. This toxic protein causes an immune response in the brain, which results in inflammation and brain cell death. Not only does CBD reduce inflammation, but it may reduce the levels of this protein. CBD and Brain Function As the progression of dementia takes place, the brain cells and the loss of brain function that is lost is ultimately lost for good. While this decline can vary, it is often rapid and severe. Although CBD can’t cure dementia or stop the progression, it may have properties that help reduce the amount of brain cell loss. The primary way that CBD helps is due to its anti-inflammatory properties. However, we are still learning about the endocannabinoid system and how cannabinoids work in the body. With thousands of studies being published on CBD each year, we hope to learn more about how CBD helps with brain health and brain cell preservation. At this point, the research on the effects CBD oil has on dementia is limited. There have only been small-scale studies, so further research is needed. What we know about CBD What we do know is that CBD is considered safe and well-tolerated. Its anti-inflammatory properties have been well-researched. Yet, we are still learning how and if these properties can improve the lives of people with dementia.
If you are considering using CBD oil to help someone with dementia, always consult a doctor on the potential benefits and discuss any possible medication conflicts. If you are just starting to use CBD, always start with a low dose and gradually increase the dosage to see if symptoms improve. For more information: |
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